Nodame Cantabile

going back on time, the year was 300 b.m *fiction. i found Nodame Cantabile
Nodame Cantabile stood more than the others for having more space for it, seeing how it was the only one with the most Vol. it attracted me, i read about it before that, so i knew what this manga was about at that time, but i neglected it and kept looking around so that i might find something better (looking back, that was really a stupid thought), any how, there was hardly any good manga, so i looked back at it, and picked it up at last, i'v just bought the first 4 books, and left.
i started reading the manga as soon as i got home, and was hooked that i finished all 4 books in one set and felt totally hopeless, why didn't i get more of this thing??
thank god now i have all the books that was released till now, and can't wait for more to come, now that i finished my life story, lets talk about this manga.
the story revolves around Chiaki, a son of a famous pianist who has a phobia from flying or even swimming, Chiaki is a music student playing Piano and aims to be a conductor like his mentor.
one day, when Chiaki walks away annoyed from his piano teacher he hears a weird piano playing but good, that was the lazy, dirty and messy Nodame who knows nothing about reading a music score, for Chiaki's surprise that girl lives next door to his.
This manga is a mix of comedy, romance *love* and music history, i don't know a thing about music or what ever, so i learned alot about it in this manga, and you should know that this manga won the 2004 Kodansha Manga Award for shojo manga, and it truly deserve it.