Glass Fleet Review
the boxset contains 26 Ep, 24 of them were aired on T.v if you watched it like that, and 2 were specials only for the DVD numbered 16.5 and 20.5.
This anime is a space Opera where nobility fights each others for territory and supremacy, leaving the people as usual suffering from wars, so to liberate the people a force called The People's Army led by a nobleman called Michel stands against the newly founded empire led by Vetti, while the Army of people were in a desperate fight against the empire a battle ship created from glass comes by to the rescue, upon seeing how strong this battleship is, Michel tries to convince the battleship crew to join the army, but the captain of that glass battleship Cleo has thoughts of his own.
the story so far seems interesting, a little repetitive maybe, but was nicely executed, some might have some thoughts of this anime being random for the sake of the final plot, which i did myself, but after knowing a little more about the story, you get to fit the randomness of the events accruing to their respective places.
the characters were ok, i wouldn't say they were bad, they had some faults that's true, but they also managed to pull it off along the series, only the overall story helped them to be able to do that, but if you are out there to find a good characters, don't go that deep because there isn't any, while we are talking about the characters, lets just say that the most annoying one out there is Cleo, his character is just of a one that it wanted to be perfect but it couldn't, adding to that is the voice actor for it in JAP was so dead acting the role, he kept on annoying me, anyway, just wanted to get that out of my chest, so if there was a weak point to this anime, i would put Cleo as the center of that point, because everything else was not as bad.
the animation was not bad too, a little static and hard on the edge, but there was some nice coloring to it, with good characters design, though i was hoping that the cover art that accompanied the anime boxset was more true to how it looked like in the anime itself, even the sword that is held by Michel is totally different than the one portrayed on the box cover, which annoys me, because i really liked that sword on the cover.
for the music, i guess that was the best part of this anime, really soothing, and fills the air with an atmosphere that makes you live the time that the story was presented in.
the boxset also contains some trailers and a special interview with the director, which explained to me why Cleo was that annoying.
now, after watching this anime and Tytania i'm going to resign watching any other space opera anime, it's just not the thing for me, but if you like them, then i guess this anime IS for you, at least it's much more better than Tytania.