Pokemon Black&White! US version for pre-order

Yay, a new generation of pokemon << hey.. this is an old news..
oh well, guess everyone knows by now that the new generation of pokemon B&W is going to be released for the NDS in Sept 18, 2010, and that is for the Japanese version, as for the US, it's up on play-asia for pre-order and it will be released around Mar, 2011.
the new generation will feature a 3D environment (something totally new for pokemon series on the hand held devices), another new feature is that you will be able to battle other players and interact with them without the need of the friends code << how cool is that???
well, the new three main pokemon are getting uglier with each generation, well the only good looking one is the grass pokemon, so i guess this will be my main pokemon when i get this game..
for pre-order go check play-asia here for Black & white for the japanese version, and here for Black & white for the US verison.
so you know that with the new generation of the game there is a new generation for the anime, right?? well, this is what i'm most exited about ^_^


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